

Aug 27, 2023

How To Transform Your Vacation Rental Property Into a Home Away From Home

It's exciting to jet off to a new destination, but sometimes the impersonal nature of a typical vacation rental can damper the experience. Thankfully, it’s possible to come armed with homey essentials that will transform a clinical transaction into a cozy, warm experience that will make you feel like you’ve somehow transported your home to your vacation destination.

When your vacation rental property is thoughtfully equipped with amenities and home comforts that allow you to live with ease, it’s much easier to feel comfortable no matter where you are. To help revolutionize your vacation rental experience and create a home away from home experience everywhere you go, let’s talk about some unique offerings that will upgrade your experience and take your travels to the next level!

1. Upgrade Your Sheets With Miracle Brand

Imagine sliding into soft, fresh sheets after a long day of exploring your vacation destination. Not just any sheets, but ones infused with antimicrobial silver technology, thanks to Miracle Brand. What does this mean for you? Not only do these sheets offer an unparalleled sleeping experience, but they also ensure your bed is a haven, free of unwanted microorganisms.

Antimicrobial silver isn't just a marketing gimmick — it's a scientifically-backed innovation that deters bacteria and keeps your sheets fresher for longer. Don't worry; these aren't robotic-feeling, space-age textiles. They're as soft and inviting as the sheets you’d find in a luxury hotel, with the added bonus of smart technology. Miracle Brand's sheets provide a touch of tech-forward comfort that’ll make you feel right at home.

The literal silver lining? The sheets' antimicrobial properties help create a cleaner, safer environment for you during your stay. After all, when you're on vacation, the last thing you want to worry about is the cleanliness of your bedding. These sheets let you rest easy, knowing your comfort is a top priority.

2. Sip on Comfort With Sips by

Ah, the humble cup of tea — a global symbol of relaxation, warmth, and hospitality. Especially if you’re a tea lover, there’s very little that will make you feel at home quite like your favorite brew. Sips by offers an array of tea gifts so that you can bring your favorite beverage with you wherever you go and pour yourself a mug of home from anywhere in the world.

Whether you prefer the full-bodied flavor of English Breakfast or the soothing calm of Chamomile, there’s a Sips by blend to suit your taste.

When you bring your own tea with you, you can instantly elevate what could be an unpleasant cup of standard hotel tea into a memorable moment. Imagine you’re curled up on the couch at your vacation rental with a hot, freshly-brewed cup of tea in your hands, and the world seems to slow down for a moment. It’s such a simple recipe for a better holiday.

Each blend is thoughtfully selected to offer a unique taste experience that’s tailored perfectly to you and your needs, all from the comfort of your vacation rental.

Vacation rentals aren’t just a place to stay. They should help curate an experience that leaves you feeling relaxed, refreshed, and ready for your vacation. So, sit back, brew a cup of our delightful tea, and make yourself at home!

3. Elevate Your Soda Game With Olipop

Wave goodbye to guilt-laden sugary drinks and say hello to Olipop's healthy soda. When vacationing, it's only natural to crave a cool, refreshing drink after a day filled with adventures. But why settle for ordinary sodas packed with artificial sweeteners when you can savor a healthy alternative that doesn't compromise flavor?

Olipop has created a selection of healthy sodas that are as good for your taste buds as they are for your well-being. These fizzy delights are made with natural ingredients with a variety of unique flavors that will keep you coming back for more.

Whether you’re looking for a beverage to sip for a non-alcoholic toast or are just looking for something cool and refreshing after a long day of sight-seeing, packing the fridge of your vacation rental with Olipop can help make you feel more at home and be more delicious than you ever expected a healthy soda could be!

4. Bask in the Warmth of Cutting Edge Firewood

If you’re staying somewhere with cooler weather or even somewhere hot where temperatures plunge at night, there’s nothing that will make you feel instantly at home quite like the cozy glow of a fire. By bringing Cutting Edge Firewood into your vacation rental property, you can create a cozy atmosphere at the drop of a match.

Firewood offers an experience that goes beyond heating — it’s about creating a certain ambiance, sense of comfort, and feeling of togetherness. A crackling fire, the playful dance of flames, and the sound of wood popping are enough to make anyone feel at ease.

Plus, it's not just about aesthetics. A wood fire offers a warm and reliable source of heat, adding a rustic touch that only enhances your stay. With firewood from Cutting Edge Firewood, you can effortlessly create memorable moments.

5. Fuse Comfort, Style, and Ease With Tumble

When it comes to comfort, rugs are key, especially if the flooring of your vacation rental is wood, linoleum, concrete, or anything else that tends to be a bit hard and cold. They can add style, warmth, and personality to any rental property, instantly infusing it with comfort and a homey vibe. But when it comes to vacation rentals, you also want to account for any spills or messes and ensure they’re easy to clean up.

Tumble’s washable rugs are stylish, soft underfoot, and delightfully easy to clean. Spilled a bit of your healthy soda or dropped a crumb from your midnight snack? No problem! Tumble’s rugs are designed to be easily cleaned, ensuring your vacation rental maintains its fresh and welcoming appearance throughout your stay.

These rugs aren't just practical but also chosen for their design appeal. Whether it's a vibrant pattern that adds a pop of color, or a subtle texture that ties the room together, our rugs are more than just floor coverings; they're style statements that make you feel right at home.

We're all about blending function with style, making your stay as comfortable, carefree, and aesthetically pleasing as possible. So, kick off your shoes and let your feet sink into Tumble’s washable rugs. Your vacation just got a little more luxurious.

6. Maximize Your Sleeping Space With FUNBOY’s Sleepover Bed

Sometimes, vacations are about more than solitary retreats. Sometimes they’re about getting the whole family together so you can catch up and enjoy one another’s company. If you’re traveling with little ones, consider upgrading your vacation rental with some FUNBOY sleepover beds.

These portable beds are compact, comfortable, and ready for your younger guests. But it's not just the practicality that makes these beds a hit — it's the quality, too. FUNBOY values your sleep, and that's reflected in their selection of sleepover beds.

7. Find Peace of Mind With Insurance Informed by Steadily

Vacation is a time for relaxation and adventure, not stress. So, it’s important to ensure you’ve set up your travel insurance before you go for yourself and for your rental property. You never know what might go wrong or what emergencies you might encounter, so while it’s important to envision and hope for the best, it’s also important to be prepared.

Flight cancellations, baggage loss, or even medical emergencies can always happen. That's why traveler's insurance, in particular, is important when you travel. It covers a wide range of incidents that your general insurance may not consider.

If you don’t know where to start and want to know everything you need to know about insurance, check out the experts at Steadily for answers on everything from home insurance to your landlord insurance cost!

No matter where you’re staying, it’s important to make your vacation as worry-free as possible. With traveler's insurance, you're not just purchasing coverage; you're investing in peace of mind. Go ahead and embark on that adventurous hike or take that day trip to the nearby city — your insurance has your back.

8. Brew Up a Magical Morning With a Mueller’s Espresso Machine

What's a perfect morning without a cup of expertly brewed espresso? Mueller knows the power of good coffee to kickstart your day — and if you’re a coffee drinker, you know the power of that perfect brew, too. That's why it’s important to equip your property or any property you’re looking to stay at with a top-notch espresso machine.


No matter where your vacation takes you, with Mueller, a delicious cup of coffee is just a few steps away in your rental's kitchen. Want a rich, dark shot of espresso? Or maybe a creamy latte? Your Mueller espresso machine can do it all.

Even if you’re not a barista, espresso machines can be so easy to use. With a little bit of practice, you can enjoy a freshly brewed coffee every morning (or afternoon … or evening). After all, isn't that one of the joys of vacation — indulging whenever you want?

9. Sink Into Comfort With Z Gallerie’s Sofas

Nothing beats the comfort of a good, high-quality sofa. They’re a place to unwind, share laughter, and create memories. And nothing screams “less-than-ideal vacation rental” quite like an uncomfortable, probably-found-on-Craig’s-List soft. That's why the sofas from Z Gallerie are so important for a vacation rental property: they instantly embrace you in cushy, cozy goodness, reminding you of the comfort of home no matter where in the world you are.

When you're away from home, you shouldn't have to compromise on the comforts you're used to. Whether you're curling up with a good book, catching up on your favorite shows, or hosting a fun game night, a comfortable sofa is essential.

Z Gallerie doesn’t just look for comfort in their sofas — they're also chosen for their design appeal. Each sofa is a style statement in itself, contributing to the overall aesthetic of the vacation rental. As you step into your vacation rental, you deserve to expect to find a sofa that's more than just a piece of furniture. It's a spot that invites you to relax, kick up your feet, and feel at home.

10. A Way to Keep Your Cool With hOmeLabs

What's a vacation without a chilled beverage at your fingertips? Be it a healthy soda, a bottle of wine, or a jug of refreshing lemonade, hOmeLabs ensures your drinks are always served at the perfect temperature with a dedicated beverage refrigerator.

Not just any refrigerator, these are specially designed to keep your drinks optimally cool. They're compact, energy-efficient, and integrate seamlessly with the décor. After a long day exploring, imagine coming home to your rental, pulling out a perfectly chilled drink from your beverage fridge … bliss!

The convenience of a beverage refrigerator is a small luxury you'll come to appreciate and love during your stay, especially when it means you can keep all of your favorite snacks and beverages from home on hand, contributing to an overall feeling of comfort and homeliness anywhere in the world.

11. Tips on Style From the Sartorial Experts at Editorialist

You want to look and feel your best when you're on vacation. But it can be hard to know what to pack, and packing the wrong clothes can be the most frustrating way to make your stay in a vacation rental property uncomfortable. If you can’t seem to assemble an outfit from your suitcase day after day, it’s hard to relax and feel at home!

Forget the stress of overpacking or fretting about what to wear. Editorialist provides expert advice on what to buy, what to wear, and how to wear it, whether you're off to a tropical beach, a bustling city, or a serene countryside retreat.

This goes beyond simply what clothes to pack. They also provide advice on essential products that add a touch of luxury and convenience to your travel, from travel-friendly toiletry bottles to the best shoes for sightseeing. By leveraging the expertise of true gurus, Editorialist ensures you can focus more on enjoying your vacation and less on packing woes. Now that's what we call vacationing in style!

12. Bring Your Self-Care Routine From Home With Teapile

While you could rely on your rental (or your renters) to bring their own toiletries, bringing your own products with you when you travel is much better. By bringing your own toiletries with you, you can ensure that you’ll feel fresh, pampered, and surrounded by a familiar self-care routine during your travels.

Teapile offers a selection of travel toiletry bottles that are easy to use and stylish, acting as the answer to your packing needs. These little wonders are compact, leak-proof, and ready to hold your essential beauty and grooming products. There's no need to compromise your skincare routine while on vacation. After all, nothing will throw off your day quite like an unexpected break out due to less-than-ideal products.

More than just convenience, these travel bottles also adhere to international carry-on standards, ensuring a seamless journey through airport security. Bid farewell to bulky containers and last-minute packing hassles with Teapile by your side.

13. Cast Some Magic With a Google Chromecast

While you want to spend as much time as possible sightseeing and enjoying your vacation, it’s important to budget for some downtime, too. And one of the easiest ways to feel at home in a vacation rental property is to make it easy for you to access your favorite shows and movies.

Imagine having the ability to watch your favorite shows, movies, and even live TV from any corner of the globe. That's the magic Google Chromecast brings to your vacation rental.

No matter where your travels take you, with Google Chromecast, you can unwind at the end of the day with your favorite content. Want to catch up on the latest episode of your favorite series or have a movie night with the family? You got it.

Chromecast is easy to use and can be plugged into just about any television you might encounter. You don’t have to worry about wifi passwords or anything complicated! You can easily cast your beloved content onto the big screen.

Suitcase Packed, Comforts Intact: Wrapping Up Your Vacation Home Journey

When it comes to vacation rentals, there’s nothing that quite beats a home-away-from-home experience. Combining comfort, style, and thoughtful amenities allows you to transform ordinary holiday stays into extraordinary ones. As we've seen, it's more than just providing a place to sleep — it's about creating an environment where you can relax, explore, and make memories.

Even though you're away, you don't have to give up the comfort of home. As you plan your next adventure, consider opting for a vacation rental that offers this level of attention to detail or bringing some of these essentials yourself!